Submissions are open for categories: animation, fiction and non-fiction short films.
In 2022, the Kinoproba International Festival-Workshop of Film Schools will be held in Ekaterinburg for the 19th time, from December 1 to 5. Traditionally, the festival starts accepting applications to Competition in early April.
The Competition program is open to film departments of universities and professional film schools presenting programs of films by their students; students and graduates with their films made in 2021-2022; as well as debutants who have made their first short films. To submit to the Competition, you must fill in the online application form.
The applications will be accepted until October 10, 2022. As in previous years, the Kinoproba festival accepts animation, fiction and non-fiction short films up to 30 minutes. The country of the production and the theme of the film do not matter, but of the length of the film, the year of the production (2021-2022) and its compliance with Russian legislation are important. Productions of children film studios are not accepted.
As always, the Kinoproba festival participants are graduates and students of Russian and foreign film schools.
The events of the festival – Competition and Non-Competition screenings, master classes, lectures — will be mostly free of charge. However, the festival reserves the right (in case of problems with financing) to sell tickets to some of its out-of-competition events.
Festival organizers: Autonomous Non-profit Organization “D.K-Kinoklub,” Sverdlovsk regional organization of the Filmmakers Union of Russia, the Ural State University of Architecture and Art.
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